



updated on 2004.06.23

Green Lights from News400

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Yes, you are welcome to use the article you name below on your home page
-as long as it is clearly attributed to NEWS/400, along with the month and year it was published.

Wendy Domenico
Editorial Assistant, NEWS/400
(970) 203-2703
Fax: (970) 663-3285

>From: Tadashi Kakefuda[SMTP:tadashi@ffiij4u.or.jp]
>Sent: Saturday, January 10, 1998 6:54 PM
>To: Linda Brittingham
>Subject: Can I use your article in my home page?
>Dear News400,
>Now I make a nonprofit home page for programmers of AS/400. And I want
>to use an article and the source code below. Because I will introduce
>my programs(i.e. utility programs) based on the article. And I guess
>there is some problems of copy right or something like that.
>Can I use the article in my home page?
>'Print Screens with Pizzazz!'
>by Judy Yaeger
>program by Chastagnier Serge.
>Thank you in advance.
>Best regards.

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