



updated on 2004.06.23

13.1.2 The Essential CL Style Guide 翻訳の許可Mail

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The Essential CL Style Guide 翻訳の許可Mail

Sure, that's fine. If you would also please put a link to our AS400 Network,we'd appreciate it. www.as400network.com 


Sandra S. Nelson

Director of Marketing/Circulation & Product Sales
NEWS/400 - The AS400 Network

-----Original Message-----

Subject: Can I translate your article and put it on my page? (from Japan)

Dear News400,

Every month I enjoyed your articles and got the excellent technical tips of AS/400. Thank you so much for your wonderful information on AS/400.

And I want to introduce one of your item : "The Essential CL Style Guide" by Gary Guthrie because we lack CLP information here in Japan and I think we need to know the style of CLP coding. And I believe that this article is the best one for us, and I want to translate it into Japanese and put it on my non-profit home page with the source information (i.e. the author name, and News400 magazine information :July 1999 , pg. 66). 

Would you give me a permission or your advice? 

Thank you so much in advance.


Tadashi Kakefuda


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